Things went awry after the good bike ride, at least from a training perspective.
Things went very, very well for the palate, though. Four days of intense wine education, four nights of dinners at awesome restaurants.
Four days of no exercise. This was supposed to be Basta's heaviest week to date, too. 14.5 hours. I knew it would be difficult, being on this trip and all, but I had hope in Basta's impressively high discipline level and his nearly-obsessive fixation with triathlon. So I schedule him for workouts every day. I thought he could run before class and ride the bike before dinner. No swimming would take place but that's not a big deal, so long as he is still improving his cardio capability.
But no. For starters, it rained. A lot. With wind. Whipping, howling wind.

Then there was class. Wine class. It was fascinating. We learned so much about wine, and we thought we knew a fair amount before. Actually, we found out that we are practically on the initial rungs of the ol' wine knowledge ladder. Basta's focus shifted quite quickly from triathlon to wine. Becoming a Sommelier. Heck, becoming a Master Sommelier (of which there are only 158 in the world). Have I mentioned that he obsesses about things? Yes, he's a
Then we come to the food. OMG, the food. Napa has some wonderful
restaurants. We indulged. Every night. Truly fantastic food, really good wine to test our newfound wine knowledge with regard to food pairing, and late evenings plus rain and class obligations do not make one want to train. At all. The schedule went out the window.
Then we came home. Basta may be a 7 and he may have a fair touch of OCD, but he's not so bad that he can't accomplish things. He dreams big and gets excited, but he decides he really wants to do something, he does it.
He's decided he wants to do triathlon in a big way. I thought it might take him a few days to get back into it once we got home, but no. He swam, ran, and he lifted weights. Today he rode the bike 3 hours. In the cold wind. He really is serious about this.
But his total minutes this week are shot to hell. This has become his easy week, one week too early. I have to rework his schedule. That happens a lot, I'd think. People get sick. They get injured. They go to Napa. Schedules must be adjusted. Next week will be his heaviest week to date.
And on the plus side, he hardly mentioned triathlon for those four days. Now that he's back, he's training, but he' seems to be taking his training more as a matter of course rather than the sole focus of his life. I think this is a very good thing.