Saturday, April 3, 2010


tap tap tap Is this thing on?

Um, hi. Yes, we're still here. Basta and I. A lot has happened between last post and now, just nothing much of the training or triathlon variety. Hence, no posts.

Since Ironman Brazil last year and our failed Whitney attempt, there's been Thanksgiving and Christmas. Party time. Then we sold our big house in the harbor and moved into a cute little new (to us) house not far away. It's much smaller, much quieter, and we're much happier here.

However, the stress of the above was quite high. This is not a good time to be buying or selling a house, as many of you know. If you haven't tried lately you may think it's a good time to buy a house, but it's not. Prices may be good but getting a loan is a ridiculous process. Banks have gone from, 'here ya go, and don't you need an extra 50K for some remodeling?' to 'oh, we don't care how well qualified you are, we're going to just keep asking for more and more documentation so that we can delay lending you money as long as possible.'

Grr. But now that we own the place, we're remodelling it. The kitchen is a gutted hole right now. We're eating out of a fridge and microwave in the garage. It's rather like camping. Camping without the pure air or the mountainous scenery. Which does get old after a few days.

In addition to all of that, Basta has essentially taken on another job. In addition to his regular sales job, he's gone back into lawyering part-time. His spare time that he used to use for training is spent doing that.

I point out that there are people who work longer hours and also have kids and greater family/social obligations who still do Ironmans, but he is uninterested in that. He wants his training to be convenient, and it just never will be.

So he's been telling people that he's an Ironman, planning for future triathlons, soaking in the glory and admiration of those who don't do these things, and not hardly training a whit.

He signed up for Ironman Canada with a group of friends. Late August.

He agreed to do Wildflower as a relay with buddies. He'll be doing the run. Early May.

And he has Boston. The Boston that he qualified for last year, remember? He finally gets to run that run. In two weeks.

Many weeks ago I started pestering him about starting training for Boston. I made him a training schedule, which he completely ignored. He did none of the workouts. So I didn't make him another schedule for the next week. I told him to just keep the original and do it -- when he finished it I'd make him a next one. He never did.

He did work out a little. A run here and there with friends. He did the Tour de Palm Springs -- a century ride -- and survived it. His riding companions said he won the biggest whiner award the last 20 miles or so, but he finished.

Finally, about three weeks ago, he agreed to get serious about his Boston training. Five weeks to get marathon-ready? Ha.

Basta is convinced, you see, that he is capable of finishing any distance without adequate preparation. I may be guilty of fueling that assumption since I've expressed my amazement at how he's been able to finish some events. However it came to be, he is sure he'll finish Boston just fine. He is not looking to PR, just to enjoy the Boston experience and have a fun day.

So, five weeks to train up to 26.2 miles. I sent him out on an 8 mile run to see how he did. He did it, but he was sore and achy afterwards. He said he was amazed at how much running ability he's lost. Really? After not running much at all for 7 months you can't run like you used to? Shocking.

So we backed off to 4 miles. Rest a day, then do 4 miles. Then 6. Slowly building up again.

I'm trying him on essentially a Hanson's program, or a least a Hanson's theory approach. Lots of shorter-distance running rather than less frequent, short runs with one serious long run each week. The total mileage in a week is the same, but the body doesn't get the destruction caused by the very long runs.

It seems to be working. His aches and pains are normal. He ran 16 miles yesterday. That will be his longest run prior to the big show. It's not enough, I know, but it's as good as it's going to be. For the next two weeks he'll run more 8, 10, and 12 mile runs, then we'll fly off to Boston.

It's going to be fun. We're both really looking forward to it. We can use a little vacation to get away from all the remodeling dust, too.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your new house!
- Advise: Not beeing fit for running - adopt 200 running steps and then 50 walking steps and then 200 running steps etc from the start of the race. The counting itself is good for the head - you
really need to concentrate on this and might forget about the pain. - Keepint this short - Connie and I are now off to our dance classes,tonight slow fox and tango.
Regards Crister

Anonymous said...

Hej Ana!
I forgot to add - how are you?
Do you feel better? Training?