Thursday, March 5, 2009

Athlete Information

Basta had an 18 hour week last week. That's a lot of training and he was not terribly happy about it. He groused a bit, but he did it, knowing that this week is a recovery week.

When I scheduled him for workouts during his recovery week, he really groused. I explained, yet again, that recovery week doesn't mean sitting on the couch doing nothing. It means easier, shorter workouts. You still have to run, bike, and swim. Just less thereof.

So he's doing it. He is disciplined.

We got our athlete's information package from Ironman California (Oceanside). The email containing the package said to reply to the email if I wasn't going to be able to compete or didn't want a race number assigned for any reason.

I nearly hit reply right then and there. But alas, that's just me being less than courageous. Which can't be, so I didn't. I will get a race number. I will toe the line.

But first, a ski trip. We're off to Mammoth for the weekend. Should be a nice weekend with gorgeous conditions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the skiing! ...and then ..yes - try to enjoy!/Crister