For the bike rides: arm warmers, leg warmers, a headband that covers the ears, a coolmax jacket . . . will that be enough? I have no idea. We don't ride around here very often when it's even chilly. I have leg warmers that I've worn maybe twice, and both times they were too hot. Arm warmers are usually enough on a cool day around here.
It's not like we're really going to Siberia. We're going to Napa. It warms up nicely there in the afternoons, but at night it's been getting down around freezing. It stays in the 30's-40's until midday. Since we're planning to ride at the crack of dawn, that's going to be dang chilly.
The running is easier, I think. Long tights, long-sleeved shirt, maybe gloves and a hat. Do I even own a hat? Oh yes -- I have a fleece thing I wear for skiing. I'll take that. The hard part will be making ourselves leave the nice, warm, comfy home and head out when it's that chilly. Must. Not. Wimp. Out.
Basta shows no signs of wimping out. He is on the trainer again tonight, and bitching less. He started out by whining that his legs were tired, he felt he was working them too hard, he didn't know how he could do this for an hour, waa, waa, waa. He lifted weights today and he's started the new "Muscle Build" phase where he lifts heavier weights at lower reps to failure. The goal here is to build muscle, of course. It makes the muscles tired, for sure.
I told him to put the bike in an easier gear so it wasn't burning his legs. He said had it as easy as he could get it. I looked over at the bike and saw he was on his middle front ring. "Honey," I said. "Go down to your smallest ring. Ease up the load on your legs. Easy load, high cadence, remember? And stop bitching."
So he did. He's having a much better time in the easier gears. I gave him the remote and he got the volume on the tv adjusted to make him happy. He hasn't bitched in the last half hour and he only has about 15 minutes to go. Hooray.
Tomorrow morning, early, we are going to the pool to get one last swim workout done. 40 minutes of swim intervals --warmup, then 8 laps as fast as possible followed by 4 recovery laps, repeat 3x. I'm thinking about getting in the pool and swimming a few laps myself. Ha. Might. I hate swimming. But if I ever intend to do another traithlon myself I'd better swim once in a while.
Then a 40 minute run, interval waves (3 minute easy, 1 min moderate pace, 1 min sprint, repeat). I might do that, too. Same course, just not with him. He's too fast. We'll meet at the car after 40 minutes of running.
The forecast is for rain tomorrow. That will be the first test of our potential wimpiness. We should do these workouts even if it is raining. The swim, for sure. You get wet anyway, right?
After traffic dies down, we'll load up the bikes and head up north. 8 hours later or so, we should arrive at our friend's house. A nice dinner with them is planned; to bed at a reasonable hour; then up early Saturday - ready for the big ride with the big boys.
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